Contact Us


Please Note: Before your write:

Where is my course?

HOVER over Course Access in the navigation bar.

Where is my certificate?

Click on "My Account," then Certificates. Please do not ask us to send certificates. Users must retrieve from their account.

What is my password?

We don't know passwords; they are encrypted. Reset your password and a new one will be emailed.

Can I have an extension or a test reset?

Policy prohibits resetting a test after it has been started or completed. Expirations are automated and extensions cannot be provided for incomplete courses.

Leave a message using the contact form below. Please be specific about what you are asking. Remember, courses are automated and there are no extensions or credits.

Please don't ask us to call you - We handle all support by email.

* Note:  Unfortunately, some people try to make their point using sarcasm or rude language. We won't respond to those emails. Please be patient. We are a small service and might not be able to respond on weekends or holidays.


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